4 years ago I discovered my Co-dependent behavior. I could not believe it!
Me? I said, "this couldn't be!"
That's right you;People pleasin', not believin', unreceivin' of self love, self preservation
"I thought I was being nice"?
What! Lefty please!
- When you were nice to the girl whose date dumped her on prom night didn't she try and take your man?
- When you were nice to the click, didn't you have to talk about folk too be part of their clan?
- When you were nice to him, didn't he take all that you had?
- When are you going to be nice too yourself and quit feeling bad?
I don't know how to protect myself, that's really sad!
But thank God for Sister Pat, she called me out. Told me what CO-"N" was all about!
Asked me some tough questions that I had to face, made things real clear that if I didn't change my life would be a waste.
Then I got the book, "CoDependency No More", by Melody Beatty, it changed my life! Along with heavy prayer and a will to fight!
I stood up and fought, my fear, guilt and shame;none of which God was ever to blame.
Jason Upton's song, "Faith" gave me strength and clarity
Through the tears, hurt and pain now I could see
Finally what God was saying to me, where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty
I listened closer than I ever had before, to what God wanted and He opened every door
As I took each step, the fear started to fade
Then He showed me in Psalm 139 that, "I was fearfully and wonderfully made"!
Praise God it's 2008 and i'm on my way to being honest with ME
A sound mind, healthy thinking and a heart that is free
Free from unforgiveness, free from resentment, free to say NO!
I don't have to be nice if I'm not suppose to be so
A young girl sweet, naive and so nice, why did you have to go thru this strife
So that I could see that the devil is a liar and there really is a dawn
And when I meet others in the struggle tell them they can be delivered from the CON!
Leftbrain Poet